A Retrospective of Picasso's Posters: Basel's Hidden Gem Unveiled

The Kulturstiftung Basel H. Geiger is thrilled to announce the re-launch of its highly anticipated exhibition, "Pablo Picasso - His Posters," a testament to the power of private collections and a celebration of the enduring legacy of Pablo Picasso. This exhibition, the first in a series showcasing Basel's private treasures, unveils the unique collection of renowned art dealer Werner Röthlisberger, whose passion for poster art has resulted in one of the world's most comprehensive collections of Picasso's poster work.

By  Richard Walker

image credit: Kulturstiftung Basel H. Geiger

"Pablo Picasso - His Posters" presents an intimate look into the artistic evolution of the master, showcasing 55 original posters from Röthlisberger's collection of over 250 pieces, a collection rivaled only by one other in its entirety. These posters, meticulously curated, are not mere advertising tools, but rather artistic expressions that reflect Picasso's evolving style and his engagement with the social and political landscape of his time.

image credit: Kulturstiftung Basel H. Geiger

Visitors will be able to trace Picasso's stylistic growth, from his early Cubist experiments to his later engagement with Surrealism and Neoclassicism, through the evolution of his poster designs. The exhibition provides a unique perspective on Picasso's artistic journey, highlighting his ability to translate his signature style into the dynamic world of poster design.
The exhibition was originally planned for 2020 but had to be postponed due to the global pandemic. Now, finally back on track, it promises to offer a fascinating glimpse into the intimate world of a passionate collector and a world-renowned artist.
"Pablo Picasso - His Posters", at the Kulturstiftung Basel H. Geiger, is more than just an exhibition; it is a testament to the power of private collections to illuminate artistic brilliance and a reminder of the enduring legacy of Pablo Picasso, a true icon of the 20th century.